Joint Service: The Incarnation
CECCPhilippians 2:5-11
Philippians 2:5-11
Guest Speaker: Rev. Elbern Latorilla Bible Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22
題目: 有一種成熟叫謙卑與誠服 講道: 王成偉 牧師 經文: 詩篇131:1-3
Scripture Passages: Matthew 4:16 and Isaiah 9:6
題 目:壓傷的蘆葦 講 道:劉 星 傳道 經 文:太 12: 15-21
Join us for a heartwarming Christmas Eve Service filled with joy, carols, and the spirit of the season. Let’s come together to celebrate the birth of Christ and share in […]
Pastor Angela Lam will share her year-end message about “A Prayer of Moses” based on Psalm 90.
題目:向着標竿直跑 講道:林蘇文敏 傳道 經文:腓立比書 3:7-14