Adam, where are you?
CECCGenesis 3:1-10
Genesis 3:1-10
题目:歲首,思與憂 講道:林志寧 牧師 經文:馬太福音 6:25-34
As we continue our sermon series, Surrounded by a Great Cloud of Witnesses, Pastor Andrew will be sharing a message titled “Noah and the Heart of God”, based on Genesis […]
Agenda: Members meeting to elect our Pastoral Search Committee 3 Directors are already appointed by the Board we will elect 3 more members to make up the Pastoral Search Committee
題目:有缺陷的孤獨英雄:參孫 講道:劉 星 傳道 經文:士師記 13:1-7
Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-17, 15:1-6
題目:新年哲思 講道:區應毓 牧師 經文:傳道書 3:1-15
Our guest speaker Pastor Heusan Lam will be sharing about the apostle Andrew and the importance of being in the background based on John 1:35-42
題目 : 渴慕神 講道:林蘇文敏 傳道 經文 : 詩篇 42 篇
Baptism Day will be held on April 20, 2o25. If you are interested to be baptized, please speak to our Pastors